LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src - chain.h (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 110 176 62.5 %
Date: 2023-09-26 12:08:55 Functions: 22 54 40.7 %

          Line data    Source code
       1             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
       3             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       4             : // file COPYING or
       5             : 
       6             : #ifndef BITCOIN_CHAIN_H
       7             : #define BITCOIN_CHAIN_H
       8             : 
       9             : #include <arith_uint256.h>
      10             : #include <consensus/params.h>
      11             : #include <flatfile.h>
      12             : #include <kernel/cs_main.h>
      13             : #include <primitives/block.h>
      14             : #include <sync.h>
      15             : #include <uint256.h>
      16             : #include <util/time.h>
      17             : 
      18             : #include <vector>
      19             : 
      20             : /**
      21             :  * Maximum amount of time that a block timestamp is allowed to exceed the
      22             :  * current network-adjusted time before the block will be accepted.
      23             :  */
      24             : static constexpr int64_t MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME = 2 * 60 * 60;
      25             : 
      26             : /**
      27             :  * Timestamp window used as a grace period by code that compares external
      28             :  * timestamps (such as timestamps passed to RPCs, or wallet key creation times)
      29             :  * to block timestamps. This should be set at least as high as
      30             :  * MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME.
      31             :  */
      32             : static constexpr int64_t TIMESTAMP_WINDOW = MAX_FUTURE_BLOCK_TIME;
      33             : 
      34             : /**
      35             :  * Maximum gap between node time and block time used
      36             :  * for the "Catching up..." mode in GUI.
      37             :  *
      38             :  * Ref:
      39             :  */
      40             : static constexpr int64_t MAX_BLOCK_TIME_GAP = 90 * 60;
      41             : 
      42             : class CBlockFileInfo
      43             : {
      44             : public:
      45             :     unsigned int nBlocks;      //!< number of blocks stored in file
      46             :     unsigned int nSize;        //!< number of used bytes of block file
      47             :     unsigned int nUndoSize;    //!< number of used bytes in the undo file
      48             :     unsigned int nHeightFirst; //!< lowest height of block in file
      49             :     unsigned int nHeightLast;  //!< highest height of block in file
      50             :     uint64_t nTimeFirst;       //!< earliest time of block in file
      51             :     uint64_t nTimeLast;        //!< latest time of block in file
      52             : 
      53           0 :     SERIALIZE_METHODS(CBlockFileInfo, obj)
      54             :     {
      55           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nBlocks));
      56           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nSize));
      57           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nUndoSize));
      58           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nHeightFirst));
      59           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nHeightLast));
      60           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nTimeFirst));
      61           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nTimeLast));
      62           0 :     }
      63             : 
      64           2 :     void SetNull()
      65             :     {
      66           2 :         nBlocks = 0;
      67           2 :         nSize = 0;
      68           2 :         nUndoSize = 0;
      69           2 :         nHeightFirst = 0;
      70           2 :         nHeightLast = 0;
      71           2 :         nTimeFirst = 0;
      72           2 :         nTimeLast = 0;
      73           2 :     }
      74             : 
      75           2 :     CBlockFileInfo()
      76             :     {
      77           2 :         SetNull();
      78           2 :     }
      79             : 
      80             :     std::string ToString() const;
      81             : 
      82             :     /** update statistics (does not update nSize) */
      83         201 :     void AddBlock(unsigned int nHeightIn, uint64_t nTimeIn)
      84             :     {
      85         201 :         if (nBlocks == 0 || nHeightFirst > nHeightIn)
      86           1 :             nHeightFirst = nHeightIn;
      87         201 :         if (nBlocks == 0 || nTimeFirst > nTimeIn)
      88           1 :             nTimeFirst = nTimeIn;
      89         201 :         nBlocks++;
      90         201 :         if (nHeightIn > nHeightLast)
      91         200 :             nHeightLast = nHeightIn;
      92         201 :         if (nTimeIn > nTimeLast)
      93          37 :             nTimeLast = nTimeIn;
      94         201 :     }
      95             : };
      96             : 
      97             : enum BlockStatus : uint32_t {
      98             :     //! Unused.
      99             :     BLOCK_VALID_UNKNOWN      =    0,
     100             : 
     101             :     //! Reserved (was BLOCK_VALID_HEADER).
     102             :     BLOCK_VALID_RESERVED     =    1,
     103             : 
     104             :     //! All parent headers found, difficulty matches, timestamp >= median previous, checkpoint. Implies all parents
     105             :     //! are also at least TREE.
     106             :     BLOCK_VALID_TREE         =    2,
     107             : 
     108             :     /**
     109             :      * Only first tx is coinbase, 2 <= coinbase input script length <= 100, transactions valid, no duplicate txids,
     110             :      * sigops, size, merkle root. Implies all parents are at least TREE but not necessarily TRANSACTIONS. When all
     111             :      * parent blocks also have TRANSACTIONS, CBlockIndex::nChainTx will be set.
     112             :      */
     113             :     BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS =    3,
     114             : 
     115             :     //! Outputs do not overspend inputs, no double spends, coinbase output ok, no immature coinbase spends, BIP30.
     116             :     //! Implies all parents are either at least VALID_CHAIN, or are ASSUMED_VALID
     117             :     BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN        =    4,
     118             : 
     119             :     //! Scripts & signatures ok. Implies all parents are either at least VALID_SCRIPTS, or are ASSUMED_VALID.
     120             :     BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS      =    5,
     121             : 
     122             :     //! All validity bits.
     124             :                                  BLOCK_VALID_CHAIN | BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS,
     125             : 
     126             :     BLOCK_HAVE_DATA          =    8, //!< full block available in blk*.dat
     127             :     BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO          =   16, //!< undo data available in rev*.dat
     128             :     BLOCK_HAVE_MASK          =   BLOCK_HAVE_DATA | BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO,
     129             : 
     130             :     BLOCK_FAILED_VALID       =   32, //!< stage after last reached validness failed
     131             :     BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD       =   64, //!< descends from failed block
     132             :     BLOCK_FAILED_MASK        =   BLOCK_FAILED_VALID | BLOCK_FAILED_CHILD,
     133             : 
     134             :     BLOCK_OPT_WITNESS        =   128, //!< block data in blk*.dat was received with a witness-enforcing client
     135             : 
     136             :     /**
     137             :      * If ASSUMED_VALID is set, it means that this block has not been validated
     138             :      * and has validity status less than VALID_SCRIPTS. Also that it may have
     139             :      * descendant blocks with VALID_SCRIPTS set, because they can be validated
     140             :      * based on an assumeutxo snapshot.
     141             :      *
     142             :      * When an assumeutxo snapshot is loaded, the ASSUMED_VALID flag is added to
     143             :      * unvalidated blocks at the snapshot height and below. Then, as the background
     144             :      * validation progresses, and these blocks are validated, the ASSUMED_VALID
     145             :      * flags are removed. See `doc/design/` for details.
     146             :      *
     147             :      * This flag is only used to implement checks in CheckBlockIndex() and
     148             :      * should not be used elsewhere.
     149             :      */
     150             :     BLOCK_ASSUMED_VALID      =   256,
     151             : };
     152             : 
     153             : /** The block chain is a tree shaped structure starting with the
     154             :  * genesis block at the root, with each block potentially having multiple
     155             :  * candidates to be the next block. A blockindex may have multiple pprev pointing
     156             :  * to it, but at most one of them can be part of the currently active branch.
     157             :  */
     158             : class CBlockIndex
     159             : {
     160             : public:
     161             :     //! pointer to the hash of the block, if any. Memory is owned by this CBlockIndex
     162       18374 :     const uint256* phashBlock{nullptr};
     163             : 
     164             :     //! pointer to the index of the predecessor of this block
     165       18374 :     CBlockIndex* pprev{nullptr};
     166             : 
     167             :     //! pointer to the index of some further predecessor of this block
     168       18374 :     CBlockIndex* pskip{nullptr};
     169             : 
     170             :     //! height of the entry in the chain. The genesis block has height 0
     171       18374 :     int nHeight{0};
     172             : 
     173             :     //! Which # file this block is stored in (blk?????.dat)
     174       18374 :     int nFile GUARDED_BY(::cs_main){0};
     175             : 
     176             :     //! Byte offset within blk?????.dat where this block's data is stored
     177       18374 :     unsigned int nDataPos GUARDED_BY(::cs_main){0};
     178             : 
     179             :     //! Byte offset within rev?????.dat where this block's undo data is stored
     180       18374 :     unsigned int nUndoPos GUARDED_BY(::cs_main){0};
     181             : 
     182             :     //! (memory only) Total amount of work (expected number of hashes) in the chain up to and including this block
     183       18374 :     arith_uint256 nChainWork{};
     184             : 
     185             :     //! Number of transactions in this block.
     186             :     //! Note: in a potential headers-first mode, this number cannot be relied upon
     187             :     //! Note: this value is faked during UTXO snapshot load to ensure that
     188             :     //! LoadBlockIndex() will load index entries for blocks that we lack data for.
     189             :     //! @sa ActivateSnapshot
     190       18374 :     unsigned int nTx{0};
     191             : 
     192             :     //! (memory only) Number of transactions in the chain up to and including this block.
     193             :     //! This value will be non-zero only if and only if transactions for this block and all its parents are available.
     194             :     //! Change to 64-bit type before 2024 (assuming worst case of 60 byte transactions).
     195             :     //!
     196             :     //! Note: this value is faked during use of a UTXO snapshot because we don't
     197             :     //! have the underlying block data available during snapshot load.
     198             :     //! @sa AssumeutxoData
     199             :     //! @sa ActivateSnapshot
     200       18374 :     unsigned int nChainTx{0};
     201             : 
     202             :     //! Verification status of this block. See enum BlockStatus
     203             :     //!
     204             :     //! Note: this value is modified to show BLOCK_OPT_WITNESS during UTXO snapshot
     205             :     //! load to avoid the block index being spuriously rewound.
     206             :     //! @sa NeedsRedownload
     207             :     //! @sa ActivateSnapshot
     208       18374 :     uint32_t nStatus GUARDED_BY(::cs_main){0};
     209             : 
     210             :     //! block header
     211       13114 :     int32_t nVersion{0};
     212       13114 :     uint256 hashMerkleRoot{};
     213       13114 :     uint32_t nTime{0};
     214       13114 :     uint32_t nBits{0};
     215       13114 :     uint32_t nNonce{0};
     216             : 
     217             :     //! (memory only) Sequential id assigned to distinguish order in which blocks are received.
     218       18374 :     int32_t nSequenceId{0};
     219             : 
     220             :     //! (memory only) Maximum nTime in the chain up to and including this block.
     221       18374 :     unsigned int nTimeMax{0};
     222             : 
     223        5260 :     explicit CBlockIndex(const CBlockHeader& block)
     224        5260 :         : nVersion{block.nVersion},
     225        5260 :           hashMerkleRoot{block.hashMerkleRoot},
     226        5260 :           nTime{block.nTime},
     227        5260 :           nBits{block.nBits},
     228        5260 :           nNonce{block.nNonce}
     229             :     {
     230        5260 :     }
     231             : 
     232           1 :     FlatFilePos GetBlockPos() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main)
     233             :     {
     234           1 :         AssertLockHeld(::cs_main);
     235           1 :         FlatFilePos ret;
     236           1 :         if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) {
     237           1 :             ret.nFile = nFile;
     238           1 :             ret.nPos = nDataPos;
     239           1 :         }
     240           1 :         return ret;
     241             :     }
     242             : 
     243         200 :     FlatFilePos GetUndoPos() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main)
     244             :     {
     245         200 :         AssertLockHeld(::cs_main);
     246         200 :         FlatFilePos ret;
     247         200 :         if (nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO) {
     248           0 :             ret.nFile = nFile;
     249           0 :             ret.nPos = nUndoPos;
     250           0 :         }
     251         200 :         return ret;
     252             :     }
     253             : 
     254           0 :     CBlockHeader GetBlockHeader() const
     255             :     {
     256           0 :         CBlockHeader block;
     257           0 :         block.nVersion = nVersion;
     258           0 :         if (pprev)
     259           0 :             block.hashPrevBlock = pprev->GetBlockHash();
     260           0 :         block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
     261           0 :         block.nTime = nTime;
     262           0 :         block.nBits = nBits;
     263           0 :         block.nNonce = nNonce;
     264           0 :         return block;
     265             :     }
     266             : 
     267       46646 :     uint256 GetBlockHash() const
     268             :     {
     269       46646 :         assert(phashBlock != nullptr);
     270       46646 :         return *phashBlock;
     271             :     }
     272             : 
     273             :     /**
     274             :      * Check whether this block's and all previous blocks' transactions have been
     275             :      * downloaded (and stored to disk) at some point.
     276             :      *
     277             :      * Does not imply the transactions are consensus-valid (ConnectTip might fail)
     278             :      * Does not imply the transactions are still stored on disk. (IsBlockPruned might return true)
     279             :      */
     280      183104 :     bool HaveTxsDownloaded() const { return nChainTx != 0; }
     281             : 
     282        1205 :     NodeSeconds Time() const
     283             :     {
     284        1205 :         return NodeSeconds{std::chrono::seconds{nTime}};
     285             :     }
     286             : 
     287      606766 :     int64_t GetBlockTime() const
     288             :     {
     289      606766 :         return (int64_t)nTime;
     290             :     }
     291             : 
     292           0 :     int64_t GetBlockTimeMax() const
     293             :     {
     294           0 :         return (int64_t)nTimeMax;
     295             :     }
     296             : 
     297             :     static constexpr int nMedianTimeSpan = 11;
     298             : 
     299       53724 :     int64_t GetMedianTimePast() const
     300             :     {
     301             :         int64_t pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
     302       53724 :         int64_t* pbegin = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
     303       53724 :         int64_t* pend = &pmedian[nMedianTimeSpan];
     304             : 
     305       53724 :         const CBlockIndex* pindex = this;
     306      643854 :         for (int i = 0; i < nMedianTimeSpan && pindex; i++, pindex = pindex->pprev)
     307      590130 :             *(--pbegin) = pindex->GetBlockTime();
     308             : 
     309       53724 :         std::sort(pbegin, pend);
     310       53724 :         return pbegin[(pend - pbegin) / 2];
     311             :     }
     312             : 
     313             :     std::string ToString() const;
     314             : 
     315             :     //! Check whether this block index entry is valid up to the passed validity level.
     316         400 :     bool IsValid(enum BlockStatus nUpTo = BLOCK_VALID_TRANSACTIONS) const
     317             :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main)
     318             :     {
     319         400 :         AssertLockHeld(::cs_main);
     320         400 :         assert(!(nUpTo & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK)); // Only validity flags allowed.
     321         400 :         if (nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK)
     322           0 :             return false;
     323         400 :         return ((nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) >= nUpTo);
     324         400 :     }
     325             : 
     326             :     //! @returns true if the block is assumed-valid; this means it is queued to be
     327             :     //!   validated by a background chainstate.
     328      182102 :     bool IsAssumedValid() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main)
     329             :     {
     330      182102 :         AssertLockHeld(::cs_main);
     331      182102 :         return nStatus & BLOCK_ASSUMED_VALID;
     332             :     }
     333             : 
     334             :     //! Raise the validity level of this block index entry.
     335             :     //! Returns true if the validity was changed.
     336         602 :     bool RaiseValidity(enum BlockStatus nUpTo) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(::cs_main)
     337             :     {
     338         602 :         AssertLockHeld(::cs_main);
     339         602 :         assert(!(nUpTo & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK)); // Only validity flags allowed.
     340         602 :         if (nStatus & BLOCK_FAILED_MASK) return false;
     341             : 
     342         602 :         if ((nStatus & BLOCK_VALID_MASK) < nUpTo) {
     343             :             // If this block had been marked assumed-valid and we're raising
     344             :             // its validity to a certain point, there is no longer an assumption.
     345         602 :             if (nStatus & BLOCK_ASSUMED_VALID && nUpTo >= BLOCK_VALID_SCRIPTS) {
     346           0 :                 nStatus &= ~BLOCK_ASSUMED_VALID;
     347           0 :             }
     348             : 
     349         602 :             nStatus = (nStatus & ~BLOCK_VALID_MASK) | nUpTo;
     350         602 :             return true;
     351             :         }
     352           0 :         return false;
     353         602 :     }
     354             : 
     355             :     //! Build the skiplist pointer for this entry.
     356             :     void BuildSkip();
     357             : 
     358             :     //! Efficiently find an ancestor of this block.
     359             :     CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height);
     360             :     const CBlockIndex* GetAncestor(int height) const;
     361             : 
     362       26228 :     CBlockIndex() = default;
     363             :     ~CBlockIndex() = default;
     364             : 
     365             : protected:
     366             :     //! CBlockIndex should not allow public copy construction because equality
     367             :     //! comparison via pointer is very common throughout the codebase, making
     368             :     //! use of copy a footgun. Also, use of copies do not have the benefit
     369             :     //! of simplifying lifetime considerations due to attributes like pprev and
     370             :     //! pskip, which are at risk of becoming dangling pointers in a copied
     371             :     //! instance.
     372             :     //!
     373             :     //! We declare these protected instead of simply deleting them so that
     374             :     //! CDiskBlockIndex can reuse copy construction.
     375           0 :     CBlockIndex(const CBlockIndex&) = default;
     376             :     CBlockIndex& operator=(const CBlockIndex&) = delete;
     377             :     CBlockIndex(CBlockIndex&&) = delete;
     378             :     CBlockIndex& operator=(CBlockIndex&&) = delete;
     379             : };
     380             : 
     381             : arith_uint256 GetBlockProof(const CBlockIndex& block);
     382             : /** Return the time it would take to redo the work difference between from and to, assuming the current hashrate corresponds to the difficulty at tip, in seconds. */
     383             : int64_t GetBlockProofEquivalentTime(const CBlockIndex& to, const CBlockIndex& from, const CBlockIndex& tip, const Consensus::Params&);
     384             : /** Find the forking point between two chain tips. */
     385             : const CBlockIndex* LastCommonAncestor(const CBlockIndex* pa, const CBlockIndex* pb);
     386             : 
     387             : 
     388             : /** Used to marshal pointers into hashes for db storage. */
     389             : class CDiskBlockIndex : public CBlockIndex
     390             : {
     391             :     /** Historically CBlockLocator's version field has been written to disk
     392             :      * streams as the client version, but the value has never been used.
     393             :      *
     394             :      * Hard-code to the highest client version ever written.
     395             :      * SerParams can be used if the field requires any meaning in the future.
     396             :      **/
     397             :     static constexpr int DUMMY_VERSION = 259900;
     398             : 
     399             : public:
     400             :     uint256 hashPrev;
     401             : 
     402           0 :     CDiskBlockIndex()
     403             :     {
     404           0 :         hashPrev = uint256();
     405           0 :     }
     406             : 
     407           0 :     explicit CDiskBlockIndex(const CBlockIndex* pindex) : CBlockIndex(*pindex)
     408             :     {
     409           0 :         hashPrev = (pprev ? pprev->GetBlockHash() : uint256());
     410           0 :     }
     411             : 
     412           0 :     SERIALIZE_METHODS(CDiskBlockIndex, obj)
     413             :     {
     414           0 :         LOCK(::cs_main);
     415           0 :         int _nVersion = DUMMY_VERSION;
     416           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT_MODE(_nVersion, VarIntMode::NONNEGATIVE_SIGNED));
     417             : 
     418           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT_MODE(obj.nHeight, VarIntMode::NONNEGATIVE_SIGNED));
     419           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nStatus));
     420           0 :         READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nTx));
     421           0 :         if (obj.nStatus & (BLOCK_HAVE_DATA | BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO)) READWRITE(VARINT_MODE(obj.nFile, VarIntMode::NONNEGATIVE_SIGNED));
     422           0 :         if (obj.nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_DATA) READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nDataPos));
     423           0 :         if (obj.nStatus & BLOCK_HAVE_UNDO) READWRITE(VARINT(obj.nUndoPos));
     424             : 
     425             :         // block header
     426           0 :         READWRITE(obj.nVersion);
     427           0 :         READWRITE(obj.hashPrev);
     428           0 :         READWRITE(obj.hashMerkleRoot);
     429           0 :         READWRITE(obj.nTime);
     430           0 :         READWRITE(obj.nBits);
     431           0 :         READWRITE(obj.nNonce);
     432           0 :     }
     433             : 
     434           0 :     uint256 ConstructBlockHash() const
     435             :     {
     436           0 :         CBlockHeader block;
     437           0 :         block.nVersion = nVersion;
     438           0 :         block.hashPrevBlock = hashPrev;
     439           0 :         block.hashMerkleRoot = hashMerkleRoot;
     440           0 :         block.nTime = nTime;
     441           0 :         block.nBits = nBits;
     442           0 :         block.nNonce = nNonce;
     443           0 :         return block.GetHash();
     444             :     }
     445             : 
     446             :     uint256 GetBlockHash() = delete;
     447             :     std::string ToString() = delete;
     448             : };
     449             : 
     450             : /** An in-memory indexed chain of blocks. */
     451             : class CChain
     452             : {
     453             : private:
     454             :     std::vector<CBlockIndex*> vChain;
     455             : 
     456             : public:
     457           1 :     CChain() = default;
     458             :     CChain(const CChain&) = delete;
     459             :     CChain& operator=(const CChain&) = delete;
     460             : 
     461             :     /** Returns the index entry for the genesis block of this chain, or nullptr if none. */
     462        1202 :     CBlockIndex* Genesis() const
     463             :     {
     464        1202 :         return vChain.size() > 0 ? vChain[0] : nullptr;
     465             :     }
     466             : 
     467             :     /** Returns the index entry for the tip of this chain, or nullptr if none. */
     468      889772 :     CBlockIndex* Tip() const
     469             :     {
     470      889772 :         return vChain.size() > 0 ? vChain[vChain.size() - 1] : nullptr;
     471             :     }
     472             : 
     473             :     /** Returns the index entry at a particular height in this chain, or nullptr if no such height exists. */
     474         801 :     CBlockIndex* operator[](int nHeight) const
     475             :     {
     476         801 :         if (nHeight < 0 || nHeight >= (int)vChain.size())
     477         201 :             return nullptr;
     478         600 :         return vChain[nHeight];
     479         801 :     }
     480             : 
     481             :     /** Efficiently check whether a block is present in this chain. */
     482         801 :     bool Contains(const CBlockIndex* pindex) const
     483             :     {
     484         801 :         return (*this)[pindex->nHeight] == pindex;
     485             :     }
     486             : 
     487             :     /** Find the successor of a block in this chain, or nullptr if the given index is not found or is the tip. */
     488           0 :     CBlockIndex* Next(const CBlockIndex* pindex) const
     489             :     {
     490           0 :         if (Contains(pindex))
     491           0 :             return (*this)[pindex->nHeight + 1];
     492             :         else
     493           0 :             return nullptr;
     494           0 :     }
     495             : 
     496             :     /** Return the maximal height in the chain. Is equal to chain.Tip() ? chain.Tip()->nHeight : -1. */
     497       46049 :     int Height() const
     498             :     {
     499       46049 :         return int(vChain.size()) - 1;
     500             :     }
     501             : 
     502             :     /** Set/initialize a chain with a given tip. */
     503             :     void SetTip(CBlockIndex& block);
     504             : 
     505             :     /** Return a CBlockLocator that refers to the tip in of this chain. */
     506             :     CBlockLocator GetLocator() const;
     507             : 
     508             :     /** Find the last common block between this chain and a block index entry. */
     509             :     const CBlockIndex* FindFork(const CBlockIndex* pindex) const;
     510             : 
     511             :     /** Find the earliest block with timestamp equal or greater than the given time and height equal or greater than the given height. */
     512             :     CBlockIndex* FindEarliestAtLeast(int64_t nTime, int height) const;
     513             : };
     514             : 
     515             : /** Get a locator for a block index entry. */
     516             : CBlockLocator GetLocator(const CBlockIndex* index);
     517             : 
     518             : /** Construct a list of hash entries to put in a locator.  */
     519             : std::vector<uint256> LocatorEntries(const CBlockIndex* index);
     520             : 
     521             : #endif // BITCOIN_CHAIN_H

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